Tacoma Dome Link Extension
Connecting Tacoma and Fife to regional light rail

News and updates

Last chance! Get your ideas on the table by May 3

The Tacoma Dome Link Extension (TDLE) will add 9.7 miles of regional light rail service to our existing network. Thank you to all of you who…

Catch our last open house!

Did you miss our two Tacoma Dome Link Extension (TDLE) open houses last week? We have one more this week. Get your voice heard and talk to…

Open houses start tomorrow for Federal Way to Tacoma Dome regional light rail extension

Opportunity for public to weigh in online and in person on route, station locations, operations and maintenance facility as work to reach consensus on preferred alternative by mid-2019 begins …

Public involvement begins on Tacoma Dome regional light rail extension

Early scoping comment period runs today through May 3; chance for public to weigh in on route and station locations as agency works to reach consensus on a preferred alternative by mid-2019 Sound…

Volunteers sought to serve on Tacoma Dome Link Extension Stakeholder Group

Opportunity to help refine project alternatives for further study during environmental review Sound Transit is seeking volunteers to serve as community members of the Tacoma Dome Link Extension…

Hello, my name is TDLE

We're new in the neighborhood. This is the inaugural email for the Tacoma Dome Link Extension (TDLE), which will add 9.7 miles of regional…

Sound Transit moves forward with Tacoma Dome light rail project

Board approves contract with key consultant; public involvement to begin by mid-2018 The Sound Transit Board yesterday approved the Tacoma Dome Link Extension, establishing a $125.7 million budget…