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How to survive a busy Link light rail train

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Since the University Link extension opened in March 2016, we’ve seen exponential ridership growth on light rail. And you’ve probably felt it. You may not get a seat or you have to stand really close to other riders. But we assure you, a healthy transit system is crowded, especially during rush hours.

Here’s some tips on good transit manners to make a busy train ride more pleasant:

Don’t stand by the doors. Move away so others can enter and exit.

Sound Transit rider tip

No bags on seats or in aisles. Put them under your seat, on your lap or in the designated luggage area.

Sound Transit rider tip

Move to the center and ends of the train to make room for others.

Sound Transit rider tip

We will continue to monitor train loads to ensure we have the right number of trains out there to accommodate ridership. In the meantime, practice these tips and share with un-abiding riders.

Thanks for riding!

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