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A person with a backpack stands at a safe distance away from a passing train

Stay alert, stay safe around tracks and trains

"See tracks, think train" and follow safety rules - this week and all year long

Publish Date

Sept. 23-29 is See Track? Think Train! Week.  

Previously called Rail Safety Week, Operation Lifesaver’s annual weeklong event is a collaborative effort with partner agencies across North America to end track tragedies. 

For Sound Transit, this week is about saving lives through education and empowering everyone to make safe decisions around trains and tracks. According to Operation Lifesaver, there were 12,000 train collisions in 1972 and only 2,190 in 2023. We’re on the right track for reducing collisions, but there’s more to do!

The slogan “See Tracks? Think Train!” is a reminder that whenever you see train tracks, it’s important to remember that trains can be traveling in either direction at any time. So, stay aware and stay safe by following these safety rules: 



  1. Look both ways—Trains come from both directions, so always expect a second train! 

  1. Headphones off, screens down—Always stay alert to be safe.

  1. Take crosswalks, not shortcuts—Trains always have the right of way, so pay attention to crossing signals.

  1. Stay behind the yellow line—It’s the only barrier between you and the train.

  1. Bike smart, ride safe—Always cross tracks at a 90-degree angle.

Sound Transit staff will be giving out safety merch at many of our at-grade stations. Find us on Sept. 25 to collect a free clear stadium bag and check out our new at-grade crossing page for more information on safety enhancements we’re implementing around the system.

Thanks for being safe! 
