Board of Directors documents search
Updating the Board Committee Responsibilities and superseding Resolution No. R2010-19 and Motion Nos...
Authorizing adoption of procedures to maximize Federal Commuter Rail funds....
Authorizing the transfer of $4.252 million from the Small Cities Transit Access project budget to Ea...
Amending Resolution No. 80 adopting rules and operating procedures for the Board....
Transfers $204,578 from the Construction phase to the Agency Administration and Construction Service...
Authorizing an agreement with Tony Venturato for services as Interim Director of Engineering and Con...
Adopting a Preliminary Budget for the Calendar Year 1994....
Establishing a policy relating to the authorization of travel and other expenses incurred by Board m...
Adopting a new Credit Card Policy and supersedes Resolution No. 98-6....
Authorizing the Executive Director to negotiate and execute contract for strategy development consul...