Board of Directors documents search

881 results
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Published date: 10/19/22 Rates of fare superseded by Resolution No. R2023-05

(1) Adopts new rates of fare for Tacoma Link light rail service effective with the opening of the Ta...

Published date: 02/13/03

Amending the 2003 Board-adopted budget by $528,935 in staff operating costs relating to service cont...

Published date: 09/24/09

Amending the Adopted 2009 Budget....

Published date: 07/26/18 Superseded by Resolution No. R2020-24; Supersedes Resolution No. R2002-08

Adopting a new Budget Policy and supersedes Resolution No. R2002-08....

Published date: 05/28/15

Authorizing the chief executive officer to acquire or lease certain real property interests, includi...

Published date: 12/21/17

Adopting an annual budget for the period from January 1 through December 31, 2018, and adopts the 20...

Published date: 02/11/99 Amends Resolution No. R98-50

Amending Resolution 98-50, adopted November 12, 1998, to insert the correct legal descriptions for c...

Published date: 06/22/06

(1) authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property by n...

Published date: 12/14/06

Adopting the 2007 Service Implementation Plan, authorizing the chief executive officer to implement ...