Board of Directors documents search

2448 results
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Published date: 02/25/10 Superseded by Resolution No. R2018-41

Regarding the Sound Transit Capital Committee....

Published date: 10/07/21

Renames University Street Station in coordination with the East Link Extension opening....

Published date: 11/16/17

Authorizing the chief executive officer to amend the contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the Tac...

Published date: 11/05/09

Executing a three-year contract with one additional one-year option with KPFF to provide on-call arc...

Published date: 05/23/02

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Community Transit to allow the design and construction of a Commu...

Published date: 11/21/13

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract amendment with Katherine Elias, dba Pr...

Published date: 03/22/07

Authorizing the chief executive officer to (1) increase the contingency for GCA 3361 Task Order Agre...

Published date: 03/03/05

Executing a contract with Otak, Incorporated to provide final design and design support services dur...

Published date: 07/14/16

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a three-year contract with two, one-year options ...

Motion No. M2019-97 - As forwarded by the Executive Committee
Published date: 09/05/19

Awards the first round of System Access Funds to the local governments identified the not to exceed ...