Board of Directors documents search

3011 results
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Published date: 11/01/18

Adopting the Sound Transit 2019 State Legislative Program and directing staff to evaluate and engage...

Published date: 01/05/17

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute individual three year contracts with two one-year...

Published date: 01/11/24

Appoints Goran Sparrman as the interim chief executive officer for a contract term from January 13, ...

Published date: 03/26/15

Authorizing the chief executive officer to extend the existing interagency service agreement with Co...

Published date: 12/15/05

Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute a contract with VOLT Services for on-call, tempor...

Published date: 04/04/13

Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a three year contract with two one-year options t...

Published date: 12/10/15

Authorizing the chief executive officer to increase the contingency with KBA, Inc. for construction ...

Published date: 11/18/04

Approving the appointment of Aubrey Davis and Patsy Tsui Bonincontri both from the East King County ...

Published date: 06/27/19

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute an agreement with King County to provide Link ligh...

Published date: 03/13/03 Supercedes Resolution R2002-99

Adopting the recommendations of the oversight stakeholders group chaired by Board member Bob Drewel;...