Board of Directors documents search
Acquire, dispose, or lease certain real property interests by negotiated purchase, by condemnation (...
Approving the Chief Executive Officer's declaration that certain real property acquired for the Init...
Authorizing the execution of interlocal agreements by Metro and SNO-TRAN with local transit agencies...
Authorizing the filing of applications with the Federal Transit Administration, an operating adminis...
(1) Authorizing budget phase transfers within the Tacoma Link Extension project from the Vehicle and...
Selecting two (of the five) alignment options in the Northgate segment for the Link Light Rail line ...
Adopting a Real Property Excess, Surplus, and Disposition Policy and superseding Resolution No. R99-...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to acquire certain real property interests, including acquis...
Declaring that in the event the Sound Transit motor-vehicle excise tax revenue is reduced, the Board...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to establish a Sound Transit Sustainability Initiative....