Board of Directors documents search

1198 results
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Published date: 07/26/18 Supersedes Motion No. M2015-83; Superseded by Resolution No. R2024-02

(1) Expanding Sound Transit’s parking permit program, (2) establishing performance goals for the p...

Published date: 06/10/21

Authorizes the chief executive officer to increase the contract contingency with Jacobs Project Mana...

Published date: 08/13/20

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a funding agreement with the City of Seattle for t...

Published date: 12/13/18

(1) Amending the Digital Passenger Information System program by (a) increasing the authorized proje...

Published date: 11/19/20

Makes a finding of substantial need for the purposes of setting the limit factor for the 2021 proper...

Published date: 02/24/22

A motion of the Board of the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority 1) appointing Brooke Bel...