Board of Directors documents search
Contract with Royal ReproGraphics, Inc. to provide agency wide copying, binding and related services...
Amending the sole source contract with Willis of Seattle, Inc., to provide Owner Controlled Insuranc...
Execute a three-year contract agreement with two one-year extensions for comprehensive banking servi...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a three-year contract with two one-year options t...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a one-year contract with four one-year options wi...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a five-year contract with Parsons Brinkerhoff to ...
Contract with Value Management Strategies for On-Call Project Review Services (PDF Document | 152kB)
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a three-year contract with two one-year options t...
A motion of the Board of the Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority authorizing the chief ex...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with MBI Seattle to purchase and inst...
Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a contract modification with Tube Art Displays, In...