Board of Directors documents search
Contract with Dell Business Solutions to provide server network equipment and work stations for a to...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a contract with Envirolssues to administer commun...
Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to Execute an amendment to the existing preliminary engineer...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to (1) execute contracts with Harris Rand Lusk; 360 IT Profe...
Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer to execute a contract amendment with Norie Sato, Sato Servic...
Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a contract amendment with Dell, Inc. to provide te...
Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a five-year contract with 10 one-year options to e...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a five year initial term contract with ten one ye...
Authorizing the chief executive officer to execute a five-year contract with five additional one-yea...
Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a five-year contract with ten additional one-year ...