Board of Directors documents search

3104 results
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Published date: 12/02/21

A motion of the Rider Experience and Operations Committee of the Central Puget Sound Regional Transi...

Published date: 02/06/20

Authorizes the chief executive officer to execute a four year labor agreement with the Amalgamated T...

Published date: 07/26/18 Superseded by Resolution No. R2020-24; Supersedes Resolution No. R2002-08

Adopting a new Budget Policy and supersedes Resolution No. R2002-08....

Published date: 09/23/21

Authorizes the defeasance of all or a portion of Series 2012S-1 and Series 2015S-1 of the Authority�...

Published date: 11/09/23

(1) Amends the Light Rail Vehicle Fleet Expansion project baseline budget by increasing the allocate...