This addendum provides additional information and analysis supporting Sound Transit’s September 30, 2020 environmental checklist and Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for the I-405 BRT project, including analysis and information about minor design updates to the South Renton Transit Center and roadway improvements proposal. The addendum does not substantially change the analysis of likely Project impacts.
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Stride S1 Line (I-405 BRT) South Renton Transit Center SEPA Addendum (June 2024)
(PDF Document | 204kB) Updated 06/10/2024
Additional materials
South Renton Transit Center NEPA DCE Part 2 of 2 June 2022
(PDF Document | 11MB) Updated 06/05/2024
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South Renton Transit Center NEPA DCE Part 1 of 2, June 2022
(PDF Document | 11MB) Updated 06/05/2024
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Additional Environmental Analysis for the South Renton Transit Center at Final Design (June 2024)
(PDF Document | 497kB) Updated 06/10/2024
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Attachment A South Renton Transit Center Additional Transportation Analysis Memorandum (June 2024)
(PDF Document | 7MB) Updated 06/07/2024
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