Sound Transit Board approves 2021 service changes
Changes to Link frequency and ST Express Routes from Snohomish and North King Counties planned in conjunction with Northgate Link opening in September 2021
The Sound Transit Board of Directors has approved changes to service in 2021, reflecting the expected opening of Northgate Link in September 2021. The new service plan, which incorporates input from 1,900 people who responded to a survey about proposed changes, maintains the reduced service levels implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Under the new service plan, when Northgate Link opens light rail will operate every eight minutes during rush hour, every 10 minutes mid-day and weekends, and every 15 minutes late night.
In addition, the Northgate Link opening will drive bus service restructure from Snohomish and North King County. ST Express Route 510 will continue direct service to downtown Seattle, while Routes 511, 512, and 513 will truncate at Northgate Station. ST Express Route 522 will truncate at Roosevelt Station and increase service levels. Improved frequency for Link will result in a better transfer experience for passengers on the changed routes.
ST Express Route 586 will add a stop at Federal Way Transit Center to improve ridership and support regional travel. ST Express Route 555, which was originally proposed to be restored, will remain suspended. Other ST Express routes that will remain suspended are routes 541, 544, and 567.
No changes were made to current levels of Sounder or Tacoma Link service.
Sound Transit services are subject to the possibility of further increases or decreases based on levels of future passenger demand and COVID-19 financial impacts.
Sound Transit remains committed to working closely with its partners to continue serving the public. Efforts will continue to prioritize serving riders who depend on Sound Transit's services, including seniors, people with disabilities, Title VI protected populations (race, color, national origin), low-income and limited-English-proficiency populations. To the greatest extent possible, we will continue to run trains and buses at our earliest and latest normal weekday hours.
All Sound Transit passengers are directed to wear face coverings consistent with expanded public health directives. Riders should also follow social distancing and other critical health guidelines to protect the community.
Riders should sign up for rider alerts to ensure that they receive up-to-date information about service changes, or visit