Update on Auburn garage, and walking, bicycle, and bus improvements
While current Sounder service has been temporarily reduced, planning for the new garage and access improvements continues so that we can best serve the community in the future. To follow social-distancing guidelines, we have posted materials on our website instead of holding a planned open house to update the community on the Auburn Station parking and access improvements project. This includes maps and information about the garage, along with what to expect during construction.
Materials also include updated information about pedestrian and bicycle improvements at W Main and B Streets as part of an existing City project (F St. SE Non-Motorized Improvements Project). We are negotiating the possibility to make a contribution to the City of Auburn for this project, and the City will construct these improvements. Work is expected to start this year.
Also available on our website is the environmental study, which evaluated potential environmental impacts such as aesthetics and traffic.
Next steps
We expect the Sound Transit Board of Directors to advance the project to the preliminary engineering phase at its April 23rd meeting. Next steps in the coming months include property acquisition, selecting a design/build firm, and permitting. Currently, construction is expected to begin in early 2022, and the garage is expected to open in 2024.
In addition, we will be collecting community input on the visual design of the garage this summer – please stay tuned.
If you have feedback or questions, please contact us: (206) 689-4877, auburnstation@soundtransit.org.
Sound Transit COVID-19 update
As our region responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, Sound Transit has reduced Sounder, Link and some ST Express service until further notice. This includes suspending several of the Sounder South roundtrips. View the Sounder South reduced schedule for more details or visit our Reduced Service page for details on other routes.
Ridership has dropped dramatically since the emergence of COVID-19, as riders have done the right thing by staying home as much as possible. These service reductions will keep our system strong and resilient, ready to bounce back once the governor indicates it is safe to ease social and business restrictions. Please note that this is an evolving situation which may change at any time. Sign up for rider alerts to receive the latest updates for your route.
Read our Platform blog post for the latest information on how Sound Transit is responding to heightened COVID-19 concerns.