We are planning ahead for this fall: stay tuned for updates on environmental review and station design concepts and access
We have been hard at work studying the route and station locations included in the Tacoma Dome Link Extension’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement, which we expect to publish in 2021. At the same time, we have also advanced station area planning and studied how passengers will access each of the four TDLE station areas at South Federal Way, Fife, Portland Avenue and the Tacoma Dome.
This fall, we will share updates on the environmental review process and station design concepts and access planning. We will also ask for your feedback on how we should optimize future station access for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, you can view project documents and maps on the TDLE project website. Contact the project team at tdlink@soundtransit.org or 206-398-5453 if you have any questions.
The pandemic and our economy
The COVID-19 crisis is greatly reducing the revenues Sound Transit relies on to expand our regional transit system. With greatly depleted revenues, we won’t be able to deliver many expansion projects on their original timelines unless we receive alternative revenue from federal or state sources.
Through a process called realignment, the Sound Transit Board of Directors is working to determine which plans and timelines for voter-approved projects will need to change due to lower revenue projections.
We are still moving forward with environmental review for the Tacoma Dome Link Extension. Please note that the project timelines and schedules you see presented on TDLE materials reflect pre-COVID-19 economic conditions and are subject to change based on the Board’s realignment process.
Resuming TDLE fieldwork
We will continue fieldwork throughout the project's environmental review phase following social-distancing protocols. You should be aware that Sound Transit staff and consultants do have Health and Safety plans that we are following regarding fieldwork. Fieldwork may include wetland and stream surveys, cultural and historic resource surveys, additional noise and vibration monitoring, and more.
Depending on the type of work and its proximity to your property, you may receive a phone call from us to let you know about upcoming activity.
What is TDLE?
Sound Transit’s Link light rail extension from Federal Way to Tacoma will create fast, congestion-free connections to residential and job centers in the South Sound and beyond when it launches in 2030*, including:
- South Federal Way to Tacoma in 20 minutes
- Fife to Tacoma in six minutes
- Tacoma to Sea-Tac Airport in 35 minutes
TDLE will add almost 10 miles of mostly elevated tracks to the regional light rail system and four new stations, near south Federal Way, Fife and Tacoma.
These stations will also offer riders efficient connections to other transit options like Sounder, Tacoma Link, ST Express, King County Metro, Pierce Transit, Intercity Transit and Amtrak.
Stations will feature pick-up and drop-off zones and provide access for those traveling by foot, bike, paratransit and other modes. The future South Federal Way and Fife stations will include approximately 500 parking spaces each.
*See The pandemic and our economy above
Breaking ground on the Federal Way Link Extension
Sound Transit recently celebrated a major milestone and a critical step forward in making the Tacoma Dome Link Extension possible: the start of construction on our 7.8-mile light rail extension from Angle Lake to Federal Way.
While we couldn’t host a traditional in-person groundbreaking event due to COVID-19, we’re grateful to everyone in our community who leant their voices to this inspiring virtual celebration. Check it out!
Watch the groundbreaking video