- Service animals are allowed on Sound Transit buses and trains. Pets may ride if they are carried in small containers.
- Pay the correct fare on the bus; on platforms and trains, have fare ready for fare inspectors.
- Hold personal items, store in overhead racks or under the seat.
- Respect the privacy of other passengers.
- Use audio/video equipment only with headphones.
- Carry food and drinks in closed containers.
- Wear shirts and shoes at all times.
- Do not lie down or place feet on seats.
- Do not interfere with operator/conductor while operating the vehicle.
- Do not harass other riders.
- Do not engage in loud or unruly behavior.
- Do not eat onboard buses and trains.
- Do not smoke or vape.
- Do not litter.
- Do not consume alcohol or drugs.
- Do not carry hazardous, explosive or corrosive materials.
- Do not carry unlawful weapons or firearms.
- Do not solicit.
- Do not loiter.
- Do not leave bags unattended.
- If interested in busking, please comply with busker guidelines.
- Large groups must submit a large group performance request.
RCW 81.112.220, 81.112.210, 81.112.230, 9.91.025, 9A.36.031, TCM 8.52.020