From spring to fall 2024, transit passengers onboard select fixed bus, Sounder, and light rail routes throughout the Puget Sound region may be asked to take a survey. Surveyors in blue vests wearing ID badges and holding tablet computers may approach you while you’re riding transit and ask you to answer a few questions.
This survey will help Sound Transit understand how riders use the system — who rides public transit, where they live, where they’re going, and what transfers they make. This information helps us learn what our riders need so we can plan, build, and improve transit so it works for everyone in the region. For further details, please refer to the frequently asked questions below.
Riders will be randomly selected to take the survey, and it takes about five minutes. If you are unable to complete the survey during your transit trip but are willing to participate, surveyors will schedule a follow-up interview. Your response will help us build better transit for years to come!
How often are these studies performed, and why now?
Origin-destination surveys are typically conducted every five years. The region’s last survey was conducted in 2018. Since that time, our region has changed, and we need up-to-date travel data to make transportation improvements and to learn who makes up our passenger base.
Who is conducting the study?
Sound Transit hired a contractor to conduct the Origin-Destination Survey. The people you see administering the surveys on buses and trains are contracted employees. The data, however, belongs to Sound Transit.
How do I take the survey?
Interviewers with tablet computers will randomly select passengers to take the survey. The tablet computer will randomly select participants to ensure that we receive statistically valid data. While riders cannot volunteer to take the survey, we appreciate your participation if you are selected. For select services, surveyors will approach passengers and ask them to complete a paper survey and return the paper form to the surveyor after it has been completely filled out.
How long will it take to complete the survey?
The survey takes about five minutes to complete.
Why do you need to ask about personal information such as income? What does that have to do with how I use transit?
Sound Transit is required to collect specific demographic data about passengers including race, household income, and language proficiency to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This information is submitted to the Federal Transit Administration approximately every five years. Also, studies have shown that certain household characteristics, such as income, are key indicators of travel behavior. By understanding these relationships, planners are better able to predict how recommended service improvements will perform. Please keep in mind that personal information is removed from all records and the results are aggregated, which ensures your privacy and anonymity.
What if I’m asked to participate in the survey more than once?
If you are selected more than once, we would appreciate if you would take the survey again.
How will I know that the person approaching me is an interviewer?
Official survey staff members wear blue vests and a surveyor badges. They carry tablet computers and will never ask you for information such as your social security number or bank account information.