Ballard Link Extension
Serving regional jobs, dense neighborhoods

Get involved

While the public comment period for the new BLE Draft EIS comment period is anticipated for 2025, you can sign still sign up for email updates and connect with the project teams to ask questions.

Visit our Online Open House to learn more about the environmental review process and the alternatives we're studying and check out our station planning updates.

Sign up for email updates

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Have more questions?

If the opportunities above don't suit your needs, or if you have ideas for us on how we can best engage, reach out to the BLE project team!

Upcoming Events

South Downtown Hub Open House  
Wednesday, April 2, 5–7 p.m.  
Union Station, 401 S Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104  
Join us for an update on ideas for community and transit hub connections in the Chinatown-International District and Pioneer Square neighborhoods.