Ballard Link Extension
Serving regional jobs, dense neighborhoods

News and updates

The Ballard Link Extension will provide fast, reliable light rail connections to dense residential and job centers throughout the region. In addition, a new downtown Seattle light rail tunnel will provide capacity for the entire regional system to operate efficiently. Get involved and tell us what you think. 

Take our further studies survey

In July, after reviewing the Draft EIS and the comments from Tribes and public and agency partners, the Sound Transit Board identified the preferred alternative for the West Seattle Link Extension…

West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions: Interbay/Ballard Workshop

Please join us for the second part of our engagement series focused on Interbay and Ballard. We’ll share additional information and host discussions on what we learned through our further studies.…

West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions: Chinatown-International District (CID) Workshop #4 – Summary

Please join us on Jan. 5, 2023, for the last CID workshop of our further studies series where we will bring it all together and begin to collect your feedback for the Sound Transit Board.  CID…

Reminder: Join us on January 11 for the Interbay/Ballard Workshop

This is a friendly reminder to join us for the second part of our engagement series on January 11. We’ll share additional information and host discussions on what we learned through our further…

Join us on January 5 for CID Workshop #4

Please join us on Jan. 5, 2023, for the last CID workshop of our further studies series. The workshop will build on previous workshops and community feedback so far, bringing it all together and…

Take our survey

Thank you to all who participated in the December 12 Interbay/Ballard Open House. You asked great questions and provided important comments and project considerations. Materials from that event are…

West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions: Chinatown-International District (CID) Workshop #3 – Key Issues

Join us for the CID workshop on Dec. 14. We will share the latest on what we’ve learned about the options for further study, problem solve around key issues for each option and explore potential…

What’s the latest on further studies?

In July 2022 – after reviewing the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and the comments from Tribes, the public and agency partners – the Sound Transit Board identified the preferred…

Sound Transit hosts open house for WSBLE Interbay/Ballard segment December 12

Members of the public can learn about new concepts being studied in the Interbay/Ballard segment of the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions project at an open house on December 12. A second…

Further study in the CID station area: Take an online survey and join us Dec. 14

Thank you to all those that were able to join us for our Chinatown International District (CID) open house on October 13 and Workshops #1 and #2 on November 2 and 16 and for sharing your thoughts and…