When Sound Transit built Link light rail through the Rainier Valley, we purchased several small pieces of property adjacent to the line for construction purposes. Now that they are no longer needed, 12 such sites near the Mount Baker, Columbia City, and Othello light rail station are available to support affordable housing outcomes.
Affordable Homeownership
Based on community feedback we heard during our community engagement effort in the summer of 2019, Sound Transit and the Seattle Office of Housing are pursuing opportunities to make Sites 2 and 4-12 available for the development of affordable homes for purchase. In October 2020, the Sound Transit Board adopted Resolution 2020-17, which declared the sites suitable for housing and authorized staff to negotiate a no cost transfer of the sites to the City of Seattle for that purpose.
- Opening date: Goal: first sites made available for proposals in 2021; all sites under development by 2031
- Affordability: Goal: exceed target of at least 80% of homes on the sites affordable to families at 80% of area median income or below
Youth Achievement Center
Following our community engagement effort Sound Transit heard support for the development of a Youth Achievement Center on Sites 1 and 3, located at Martin Luther King Jr. Way S. and S. Angeline St. The new facility would provide residential space and wrap-around services for youth who are housing unstable or impacted by the legal justice system. Sound Transit is now working with the community and our partners towards that goal on those two sites.