Transit-oriented development

Supporting vibrant communities around transit.

Our process

Program highlights

Transit-oriented development creates connections between neighborhoods and the region, between jobs and housing, between housing and transit, and between people and vibrant communities.


total homes built or in process


affordable units built or in process


billion total public and private investment in projects


stations and counting with completed or planned TOD

Read our quarterly reports to learn more about project highlights and updates on the TOD program.

Project updates

Sound Transit works on TOD projects throughout our service area. We partner with non-profit and private developers to bring the community’s vision to life. Our projects range from permanent-supportive housing to market-rate housing, and include everything from early learning centers, restaurants, community spaces, healthcare services, playgrounds and more.

Explore all TOD projects

Project highlights

Learn about recent openings, construction updates, and opportunities to get involved.

Image of a pride flag ribbon being cut by community members

Pride Place

Affirming housing in Seattle’s cultural center for LGBTQIA+ life.

Rendering of Lynnwood City Center Station TOD
Recently awarded

Lynnwood City Center Station

Housing Hope to bring affordable housing to Lynnwood City Center Station.

Participants celebrate the groundbreaking at the Angle Lake TOD site.
Starting construction

Mercy Angle Lake Family Housing

Affordable housing and critical supportive services in a regional transportation hub

Frequently asked questions

The TOD program is empowered by the voter‐approved ST3 plan to create diverse, vibrant, and mixed‐income communities around transit. To achieve these outcomes, Sound Transit offers surplus property for the development of affordable housing in accordance with the 80/80/80 policy, a state statute that requires the agency to offer at least 80 percent of surplus property that is suitable for housing to qualified entities to develop housing affordable to families at 80 percent of area median income or less. Our goals for the TOD program, outlined in Sound Transit's Equitable TOD Policy, include:

  • Increase the value and effectiveness of transit by increasing transit ridership.
  • Support implementation of state, regional and local growth plans, policies, and strategies.
  • Make equitable TOD an integral component of and supportive of transit project planning and delivery.
  • Engage a broad cross-section of the public, reflecting diverse communities.
  • Encourage the creation of diverse housing options near transit with priority to affordability.
  • Encourage convenient, safe multi-modal access to the transit system, with an emphasis on non-motorized access.

Each project offers different opportunities to realize the vision for neighborhoods around our stations. We engage communities and partners to define goals for each TOD project, including:

  • Enhancing livability by adding different types of housing, convenient retail, employment opportunities, and public space.
  • Centering development around people walking, rolling, and using transit.
  • Minimizing design elements and space for automobiles within the project.
  • Providing space for a mix of useful and convenient services.
  • Maximizing opportunities for people to live or work near transit.

Sound Transit's role in supporting regional growth goes beyond delivering transit and a great ride. People don't ride transit just to ride transit; they ride transit to get to and from the places they need to go, to connect to opportunities, and because transit is convenient and close to home. Finding affordable housing, especially near transit hubs, is becoming increasingly difficult amid rising rents and home prices. Sound Transit strives to be part of the housing solution by creating and supporting opportunities for transit-oriented development and affordable housing near our stations.

Expanding transit into communities that have not previously had these connections and opportunities creates upwards pressure on rents and home prices. This contributes to patterns of displacement and gentrification. We plan to develop and implement TOD that is equitable, inclusive, and reflective of the local community. Equitable TOD outcomes, community partnerships, and affordable housing help mitigate displacement and gentrification by providing social and economic opportunities for current and future residents, low-income communities, and people of color. Engagement throughout the TOD process helps us understand how to be partners in creating affordable, inclusive neighborhoods that allow all people to take advantage of opportunities that align with the vision of local communities.

We select partners that can deliver projects that align with Sound Transit’s and the community’s goals.

Surplus property is primarily offered through Requests for Proposals. Visit Sound Transit’s online vendor portal to receive notifications.

Sound Transit accepts unsolicited proposals for surplus property in limited circumstances from parties with adjacent property rights or for difficult to develop sites. Submit an unsolicited proposal for transit-oriented development.

Sound Transit is committed to creating inclusive, vibrant, and affordable communities in our station areas. Our surplus property may be offered at a discount to qualified entities, which include local governments, housing authorities, and nonprofit developers. Sound Transit also contributes $4 million annually into a revolving loan fund to create more affordable housing opportunities near our stations.

Getting involved