Transit-oriented development
Boosting ridership and creating vibrant neighborhoods within walking distance to transit

Sound Transit is committed to creating equitable, vibrant, and affordable communities in our station areas. As part of the voter-approved ST3 plan, Sound Transit contributed $4 million per year for five years into a revolving loan fund to support the development of affordable housing opportunities related to equitable transit-oriented development within the boundaries of the Sound Transit system.

Sound Transit contributed the $20 million to the Washington State Housing Finance Commission’s Land Acquisition Program (LAP). The Sound Transit contribution, known as TODLAP, is a revolving loan fund to support the development of affordable housing opportunities related to equitable transit-oriented development with the boundaries of the Sound Transit System.

The TODLAP loans are available to eligible organizations, as defined in RCW 43.185A.040, and can be used for land acquisition to support affordable multifamily and single-family projects serving households at or below 80% of the Area Median Income. The TODLAP loans, limited to $5 million, are low-cost and patient with interest-only or deferred interest payment options.

Please contact the WA State Housing Finance Commission LAP  to learn more and apply.