Project update
Upcoming fieldwork for the OMF South project
Over the past few weeks, you have may have seen crews conducting land and water surveys in Kent and Federal Way. These teams are working to better understand conditions at and near the three sites we…

Project update
Thanks for joining us last fall!
In November we shared an Operations and Maintenance Facility South update, including a status report on potential sites. Thank you to everyone who came out to say hello at a drop-in session or joined…

Operations and Maintenance Facility South: Online Open House
There is still time to learn more about our Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) South project progress. For more information, take our online survey. You have until Dec. 6th to participate…

Project update
Opportunities to stay informed and learn about project progress
Thanks to everyone who attended our informational drop-in sessions for the Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) South in November. There is still time to learn more about our project’s progress…

Project update
Remember, OMF South drop-in sessions continue next week!
Come learn about site locations for the Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) South. Attend an informational drop-in session or check out our online version of the drop-in sessions to stay…

Project update
What is OMF South?
Sound Transit’s new Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) in South King County will be essential for the Link light rail expansion Puget Sound voters approved in 2016. We need this facility to…
News release
Sound Transit holding drop-in sessions on Tacoma Dome Link Extension and OMF South
Sound Transit is engaging South Sound communities on light rail projects coming to the region. There will be opportunities for the public to learn more about the Tacoma Dome Link Extension (TDLE) and…
Project update
Board selects sites for further study
Last week, the Sound Transit Board of Directors selected sites to study in a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the new Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) South. This action comes…
News release
Sound Transit Board selects sites for further environmental study for Operations and Maintenance Facility South
The Sound Transit Board yesterday selected sites to study for a new Operations and Maintenance Facility South (OMF) South located in South King County. The OMF South will serve Sound Transit's…
Board of Directors Meeting, 5/23/2019
Please note time change. Attend one of our Board of Director meetings - check out our calendar.