On April 1, 2015, Sound Transit released the Lynnwood Link Extension Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS), in accordance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). The Final EIS is also issued jointly by Sound Transit and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Final EIS examines project route and station alternatives, including the preferred alternative identified by the Sound Transit Board. The Final EIS provides information about project alternatives, potential impacts on the natural and built environment, possible mitigation measures, and responds to public comments received during the Draft EIS comment period, which ended on September 23, 2013. The Sound Transit Board will consider the Final EIS and public and agency comments in selecting the project to be built. The Board is expected to select the route and station sites and the project to be built on April 23, 2015.Copies of the Final EIS: Hard copies of the Final EIS are available for $25 and hard copies of the separately bound technical reports are available for $15 each. The Executive Summary and a CD including the Final EIS, appendices, technical reports, and responses to comments received on the Draft EIS are available at no charge. For copies of the Final EIS documents, please contact Lauren Swift at 206-398-5301 or lauren.swift@soundtransit.org or Suzan Schneider at 206-903-7445 or suzan.schneider@soundtransit.org. Copies are also available at public libraries in the project area.
April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement table of contents, fact sheet, summary
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement table of contents, fact sheet, summary
Chapters 1-7, appendices and technical reports
April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses index
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Chapters 1 and 2: Purpose, need and alternatives considered
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 3: Transportation impacts and mitigation
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 4: Environmental impacts and mitigation
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Chapter 5: Evaluation of alternatives
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Chapters 6 and 7: Public involvement and Draft EIS comments and responses
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix F: Conceptual Plans preferred alternative sheets 1-11
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix F: Conceptual Plans preferred alternative sheets 12-27
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix F: Conceptual Plans preferred alternative sheets 28-43
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix F: Conceptual Plans preferred alternative sheets 44-59
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix F: Conceptual Plans other alternatives sheets 1-47
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix F: Conceptual Plans other alternatives sheets 48-95
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix F: Conceptual Plans other alternatives sheets 96-142
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix F: Conceptual Plans construction staging areas an truck and haul route plans
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix G: Visual simulations and illustrations part 1
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix G: Visual simulations and illustrations part 2
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix G: Visual simulations and illustrations part 3
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - businesses
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - community organization comments C-001-012
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - community organization comments C-013-033
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - community organization comments C-034-46
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - federal agencies
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-001-082
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-083-173
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-174-206
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-207-230
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-231-286
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-287-340
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-341-372
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-373-390
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-391-440
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-441-490
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-491-540
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - individual comments I-542-562
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - local agency comments L-001-004
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - local agency comments L-005-007
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - local agency comments L-008-015
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - state agency comments
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Appendix P Draft EIS public comments and responses - tribal comments
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Technical Reports: Cultural, archaelogical and historic resources
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Technical Reports: Ecosystem resources report and appendices A and B
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Technical Reports: Ecosystem resources report and appendices C and D
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Technical Reports: Noise and vibration technical report and attachment A
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Technical Reports: Noise and vibration technical report attachments B and C
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Technical Reports: Noise and vibration technical report attachments C through F
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April 2015 Lynnwood Link Extension Environmental Impact Statement Technical Reports: Transportation technical report
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