Stride bus rapid transit
Creating fast, frequent and reliable transit connections north, east and south of Lake Washington

News and updates

SR 522 project update hero image

Recent updates

Fall has been a busy time for the SR 522/NE 145th BRT team. We have been conducting assessments needed to advance our environmental review process. Thanks to the access granted by property…

SR 522/NE 145th BRT Update

In May 2019, Right of Entry (ROE) request letters were delivered to property owners along the SR-522/NE 145th Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project corridor. The requests to access private property to…

I-405 BRT begins the next phase of planning

The I-405 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project has entered Phase 2: Conceptual Engineering and Environmental Review. During this phase, we will continue to collect community input and technical analysis…

Field work starting along the SR 522/NE 145th BRT corridor

To continue advancing the design of the SR 522/NE 145th Bus Rapid Transit project, Sound Transit will need to conduct some field work along the corridor. Sound Transit will contact property owners to…

City of Bothell prepares to break ground on SR 522 construction to support Bus Rapid Transit

This April, Sound Transit’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) moves one step…

Community meeting

Elected Leadership Group meeting summary

The City of Kenmore recently hosted the SR 522/NE 145th Bus Rapid Transit project's final quarterly Elected Leadership Group (ELG) meeting during Phase 1. A huge thank you to participating members of…

I-405 BRT meeting

I-405 BRT moves to the next phase of planning

Over the past year, Sound Transit has worked to refine the Sound Transit 3 (ST3) representative project based on community input and technical analyses. On March 14, the Sound Transit Board's System…

Visit our online open house by Feb. 14

We want to hear from you about accessing future BRT stations. Visit…

Thank you to everyone who participated in the most recent round of outreach

Thank you to everyone who participated in the most recent round of…

Sound Transit to host public drop-in sessions about Bus Rapid Transit on the SR 522/NE 145th Street Corridor

Sound Transit will hold two public drop-in sessions this week about SR 522/NE 145th Street Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), scheduled to begin operating in 2024.  Wednesday, January 30 from 1-8 p.m.…